Exhilaration Starts Where?

Tell us your most exhilarating Link moment of 2021 and be in to win one of five Link Merchandise packs (a cap, t-shirt, hoodie, stickers, neck gator and car air fresheners).

Your exhilarating moment could be anything involving Link – a new purchase, install or tune, a performance result, an experience with a Link team member or reseller, at an event we sponsor, or from any one of the great drivers and teams we support.

This promotion runs until midnight Sunday 19 December, and the winners will be notified by Tuesday 21 December.


Please note: by entering this competition you grant Link Engine Management the right to publish and share your Exhilarating Moment, First Name and Country only in our marketing channels such as Facebook and Instagram. (We will not store, publish, share or distribute your surname or email address.)

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Note: we will only use your email for this promotion and it will not be stored, shared or used for any other purpose (unless you specifically ask to be added to our email newsletter list below).
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